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RedPanda Khumbie 0216 e1572641520537

Adopt an Animal

Adopt an Animal

By adopting a Philadelphia Zoo animal, you share your love for animals by helping ours receive the best possible care. With over 1,900 mouths to feed, the Zoo’s annual grocery bill is over $500,000—your adopt purchase helps us buy monkey chow, trout, honey, mealworms, and much more!

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Included When You Adopt

With a gift of $50 you will receive:
• A personalized certificate of adoption (delivered via email and printable)
• An animal fact sheet which includes a "where to find my animal" map of the Philadelphia Zoo (delivered via email and printable)

With a gift of $75 you will receive:
• Plush version of your adopted animal (delivered via mail)
• A personalized certificate of adoption (delivered via email and printable)
• An animal fact sheet which includes a "where to find my animal" map of the Philadelphia Zoo (delivered via email and printable)

Adoptable Animals
AfricanLion Makini SharonSipple 02

African Lion

Adopt Now

Amur Tiger

Adopt Now
An axolotl swims in its enclosure in the Reptile and Amphibian House at Philadelphia Zoo.


Adopt Now
Amani and Kalima, two cheetahs at the Philadelphia Zoo, cuddle one another in their enclosure.


Adopt Now
CarribeanFlamingo 04


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tortoise 03

Galapagos Tortoise

Adopt Now
GiantRiverOtter Thor 7321

Giant Otter

Adopt Now
WesternLowlandGorilla AmaniAndHoni 8607


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Orangutan Sugi 30


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Red Panda

Adopt Now
african plains giraffe e1572628172208

Reticulated Giraffe

Adopt Now
WhiteRhino Tony 0185

White Rhinoceros

Adopt Now

Adopt Program Frequently Asked Questions

Is this donation tax deductible?

Yes, every ADOPT purchase is fully tax deductible! Philadelphia Zoo is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your electronic donation receipt as your official record. The receipt will be emailed to you upon successful completion of your donation.

Can I adopt an animal by phone?

Yes! To adopt an animal by phone, please contact Ashley Eldredge, Manager of Development Programs and Events, at 215-243-5625 or by email at [email protected].

When will adoption materials be received?

Adoption certificates and animal fact sheets will be delivered electronically, via email, within a few days after purchase to the email address that you have provided. If you purchased a package at the $75 level which includes an animal plushie, please allow 7-10 business days for delivery by mail.

How do I adopt an animal for someone else?

It's easy! Just make sure you include their information in the required fields and the adoption certificate, fact sheet, and plushie (if purchased) will be sent directly to them. You may also include an optional message.

Can I adopt an animal for someone else but have the materials shipped to me?

Yes! Please provide your email and mailing address* (*if you are purchasing the $75 package which includes a plushie) in the appropriate sections (Shipping Name and Shipping Address fields). If you are adopting an animal by phone, please indicate that you wish to have the adoption package mailed to your address.